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Tour in Guatemala

Tour in Guatemala
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Tour in Guatemala

I just returned from 9 days in Guatemala and thought I was going to take some notes and impressions of the place. I had no previous understanding, I had few expectations although I can admit that I have some biases based on where it is located next to Mexico.

Travel advantages to Guatemala

I now understand why the elementary United States is somewhat popular with people and mainly pensioners. First, the climate is great and actually more favorable than Florida, as its height above sea level gives an extra mild climate and much lower humidity, at least throughout its dry season. Second, humans are friendly and work hard. 1/3, housing fees are less expensive. Fourth, in the case of Belize, Costa Rica and Panama acquaintances, English is spoken everywhere (not true in Guatemala).

Transportation and roads

Among the biggest surprises (although I knew Guatemala had become negative for the United States) changed to the fact that the roads are terrible, and the use is worse. Among the magnificent terrain (due to the mountains formed by eons before earthquakes and volcanoes) and the fact that the vast majority of roads are either gravel or dirt, wander through u. s . a . Not clean. There are no railways or public transport of any kind, perhaps because of the terrain, unless many "bird buses" that locals take to roam are counted. (The hen buses are yellow school buses from us that are artistically and uniquely drawn and used to transport people and all types of freight, such as livestock, hence the call.) It has now become surprising that analysis Guatemala ranks 116 on paved roads in unpaved roads 4,700 km (well below 3000 Miles) of paved roads, behind the Western Sahara and before Tunisia.

Mail problems

Some other huge surprise, which I discovered with the help of inquiry about sending postcards almost, has become the fact that two years in the past, the U.S. has abolished its postal system across the country, so if you want to send mail then you need both a non-public courier or DHL. I noticed that there are no road signs in the small villages, so you have to wonder how each mail is delivered even when the post office is present. No symptoms on the road have told me that every hobby in most U.S. states may be very local where everyone is familiar with anyone else.

My biggest likelihood will probably become an analysis that there is no generic training machine in Guatemala, and this means that children can best enroll in colleges if their parents pay for their shipment privately.

Shared history

The most interesting part of history I have discovered is almost the relationship between Belize (formerly British Honduras) and Guatemala. In keeping with our guide, centuries ago, England had been given permission to harvest wood (Mahogany) from Guatemala in exchange for a promise to build roads in Guatemala, but it seemed to be no longer the simplest way to build roads, but occupied lands larger than it was permitted, and retained it, which became referred to Later on behalf of British Honduras. To get away from the confrontation, England granted those occupied territories their independence and became known as Belize. At present Guatemala is planning to lure the United States to take back those lands or at a minimum compensate them for the wrongful acquisition with the help of England. Time will tell if they are able to succeed.

Flight risks

If you make the decision to move to Guatemala, be aware that the trip there carries significant risks, so you should supervise your trip with the help of an expert tour guide, at least coordinating a group, or more preferably, a personal tour guide (as we did). There is no public transportation, there are few street and road signs, facts about college are rare, and you also need to communicate in Spanish to get anywhere or do anything.

We visited 4 regions: Guatemala City (the capital since 1700 and where the important airport is located), Tikal (where the largest settlement of ancient Mayan civilization lives), Antigua (the former capital of well-preserved Guatemala in the fifteenth century AD, when it turned to domination using Spain, later moved To Guatemala City after it was devastated by an earthquake) and Lake Atitlan (a wonderful place formed within the valley of many volcanoes).

Spanish history and the Mayan civilization

These regions offer you a mixture of Spanish (and Catholic) history in El. s. , Records of the Mayan civilization and a few wonderful sites of natural beauty. When you have time, go to Chichicastenango (no, this is not the sister of Pinky Tuscadero child) while you are in the Atitlan Lake District, described as the oldest and largest open-air market in decisive America.

Additionally, we loved traveling on an espresso farm near Antigua. I was surprised by the analysis that the Guatemalan espresso is considered 1/3 of the kind in the courtyard, in the back of Ethiopia and Kenya, despite the fact that you will not understand it in any way because it is produced in fairly small quantities. Across the road, locals don't drink espresso. Likewise, chocolate is very high, despite the fact that the beginning of chocolate is from abroad Brazil. With the help of the method, the food everywhere we visited turned into a fresh and prepared flavor.
Much fresh fruit, which includes papaya, pineapple, watermelon, melons, berries, vegetables and avocado, is served almost every meal. Nutrients in the Guatemalan diet include corn, rice, and beans.

Mayan civilization

My recommendation is to know your visit in the two most prominent areas of Antigua (for lifestyle and history) and Lake Atitlan (for natural splendor). Tikal is a major attraction due to its ancient importance because the center of historical Mayan civilization and its websites fascinate the mind. However, be aware that only about 20% of these artifacts and tombs were ignored as of this writing, so you may not see the maximum that archaeologists accept as true with the lies buried beneath the surface. This turned into part of sadness. Other than that, visiting there would require a quick trip or a lengthy bus experience as Tikal is to the north and east of the other mentioned attractions. You may want to travel to Guatemala City, but I understand that it offers very little charm and my advice is to spend as little time as possible there.

Every time I go to us, I always come back with an incredible appreciation of the many things that we take without any consideration here: words like control, agency, efficiency, transparency, disclosure, and conversation, all of which are conveyed more than what it means to me now. Guatemalans are hard-working, professional, and skilled people, but given the terrible country of its roads and communication infrastructure and the fact that they have no public or free training device, suffice it to say that they face a difficult future.

In the end

If you are almost wondering about the selection of this article, be aware that “Pinchazo” is a Spanish phrase that has many meanings, such as flatness (as in tires) and acute pain (as is the case within the first type that passes after many hours of traveling on paved roads With stones). Our guide told us it is not better to wash their engines every day there, but they check their breaks every two weeks.

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